Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Monday, August 3: Awkward then Ok 2 Relax

Hey kids. I woke up in time to chair the meeting but I ended up eating at the time so I was about a minute ater and someone else was sitting there at the head
Alley Towards Bus Stop
table. I sat at the table and had an interesting time.chairing the meeting.
Leaving Work
this morning was the trip. A couple of people acted up due to some body's phone ringing during the middle of the proceedings.

One person wished I had read the whole story to the end but it was very long. So that will be settled at a business meeting.
once again at work I didn't get a chance to do my section package because one because of an hour hearing
Center City
View from OCF Coffee
and two because I got bombed with alerts again!! I decided to skip the Monday night beginners
Pensive Woman at OCF
meeting since I went to my 1 meeting today so I'm good. I got my commitment for that meeting so I
Catching Up w My Blogging
thought I I would take the night off t. I'm going to the OCF coffee house to catch up on my blog I'm very behind!!

I am in need of some down time and get some rest on with my day. I need a day to decompress and not deal with that. Maybe kind of chickenshit  but I don't feel like dealing with it now. I just want to be left alone really.

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