Saturday, July 31, 2021

Saturday, July 31: Visiting Mom & Last Day in July

The  alarm went off at 9:30 AM and I almost overslept and rolled out of bed at 9:50. Fortunately I showered so I was able to  ust throw on some clothes have some super coffee and take my meds.Really I then got to  9th St. and called the 110 pass. For some reason Google maps didn’t even have my really I then got to 69th St. and called the 110 pass. For some reason  Google maps didn’t even have the 101 bus/probably 

 howing up at all. so I got the bus and yeah got off at Baltimore Pike and waiting for my brother

 to pick me up. I did offer to walk to his place but I figured I’m on the way to his place

 to Riddle Village. He picked me up and we ended up going to Riddle Village picked 

 p my mom and ate at the iron hill brewery I that’s a nice place. We got there

 about 11:55 noon and it wasn’t open till 12 noon. We waited and

 then I had a salmon burger which had some weird tortilla chips/seaweed on top it was OK. Next time I’ll just

 get the turkey I didn’t give her my number burger. Anyhow
we talked a while and it was it was nice we enjoyed ourselves. We had some good laughs as well. After that my brother we hung 

went to my brothers house we hung out with all Debbie and hung out for a little while. I then got dropped off and saw 101 bus and

 wait for that for five minutes or so and then took the bus. My battery did run out at that time. I came home and immediately crashed. And then decided 

 o go to the 6 o’clock yoga class. That was just
 fine with me. I went to the class and it was just two of us with the  corner current owner of the yoga studio named Kaitlyn. It was 

 ery nice it was a Yin yoga class. And it was just a lot of stretches and

 it wasn’t boiling hot it was a nice change from my regular hot yoga classes.   I came home chow down my garage that I bought from the vendor. I’ve been talked on the phone for a bit watch the video videos and went to bed. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday, July 30: Work Nap and Helping Out

Hi it’s Friday of a very involved intense week of work therapy yoga and the other thoughts about
retirement etc. I got up and I wasn’t quite as tired as I was yesterday but I was kind of tired. I started work and then I prepped myself some smoothie and  breakfast and coffee to launch my day. 

  completed the MA work support and sent that email out. I then listen to a sports illustrated YouTube channel called dork town. I listen to five parts of the 
history of the Seattle Mariners. It’s very interesting how they tell it through stats and stories. Very well produced the show is for sure. At work I also finished some online training and got thatout-of-the- way. I  had to answer the quiz four times before I got every question correct. It’s not going on 8 o’clock we’re still shoveling hay I got a request to walk dogs 

 hich  later on with rescinded because they decided to stay
 in town. I was invited out to dinner but I saw that I helped Pat with some work.  We arrived in Bridgeton and our job was to rake used hey

 that the goats are using and then deliver them to an area where he dumps

 do used hey. It’s a bit of a job that’s for sure. We took some breaks and then 

 t the end we had some pizza. We didn’t leave Bridgeton till 10 o’clock. It took us a while to get back home because he wanted to take a nap  
and then got lost and then we never took a nap so we got back after 11 PM. I ended up taking her late night walk to hash out issues that cropped up because

 I went to Bridgeton. When I got back home I also had to take a shower because I was so grungy from the hey and dirt and whatever that I 
 was digging around in. It was an end of a very interesting and difficult week. It wasn’t a bad week it was just difficult. I sometimes feel have more difficulties caused by myself and anything else. It’s really hard to break the cycle. Worrying too much about what people might react to me instead of just living my life. I’m not really sure how long I can lift like that.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thursday, July 29: Working & Feeling Out of Balance

Today I woke up really tired because I was up pretty late. I was feeling really 

 ired in fact took me a while to get my breakfast ready. I didn’t get breakfast ready until after eight shut up my computer and get ready to start work. I had a whole bunch of reversal Fearls to 

 o but I have trouble concentrating at the same time
. I did knuckle down 

 nd eat breakfast and plow through the reverse referrals. I also had to 

 ouble check I had the correct contact information so I wouldn’t screw it up. Most

 of them were rejections. Only five out of the 24 cases were active on snap. The rest are the same back
 as referral rejections. I just plugged through and listen to Chattanooga warning and it binds gonna require federal police wear masks. Well I went to my 530 class had about 8 to 10 people in it. The room was really hot in the beginning fortunately open the door let the fans blow so it was tolerable but it was a bit rough going there for a bit. It’s now 738 I took two showers one in the upstairs and one in the downstairs which is about 5 to 10° cooler. I went to the Rite Aid got some drinks I forgot to get pasta cause I have sauce but I really don’t have pasta. Maybe I’ll just have the Indian meal or the pizza I don’t know yet. I’m going to catch up on some of my work. and I’m gonna try to miss the rain it’s 80% chance at 8 o’clock.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Wednesday, July 28: New Providor w/ 26 Referrals. Then Ardmore in Westchester

I slept pretty hard and heavy. I had a weird dream but now I forgot about it. I did update my 

 perating system after deleting two programs and then putting them back on. I find 

 hat camera plus and iMovie collect a lot of BS and take up space so deleting

 them and putting them back on clears up some space. After I updated the operating system I then deleted blogger and put it back on and 

 hat removed about a gigabyte of space. Because I collected a lot of unwanted off-line posts that I never deleted. So now I have more room. I got up a little early so I was able to make breakfast
way before work. Pat was fixing his motorcycle and doodling around as he does early in the morning along with his laundry. I think I might get a massage 

 oday because part of my shoulder is really really stiff. Well I just realized at 5:00 PM that I just forgot to change my laundry from 
the washer to the dryer. That really blows. 
 he reason I forgot is that right as I finish lunch I got assigned a new provider which dumped 24 reverse referrals in one email. I think that’s the most I’ve ever 

 eceived at one time since I started this position September 16, 2019. That just took up the rest of my day. I 

 idn’t do anything else but call this finance woman and told to call back tomorrow 10 o’clock. I ended

up taking a nice hot shower which relieved me of my shoulder eight. I didn’t need to go to Chinatown for a massage. That I saved about 70 bucks. Anyhow

 I finished with working and I had to quickly go down to 69th St. to catch 

 he 505 bus route to Westchester. There’s one small problem. The bus was canceled the 505 

 us was canceled I didn’t have enough drivers so I actually had to Uber to get there close to being on time. Or session was very intense the most intense one I’ve had I think. I think I picked up at the Ardmore watched the da Vinci code movie sequel called angels and devils or something like that.