Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Monday August 24: A Monday. Stock Collapse!

After a bit of a funky sleep last night, I woke up and it wasn't to boiling hot today. I was so pleased with that I decided to wear long pants. It was time
to switch those mayor for work when I change. It got
Near the AM/PM on Fairmount
pretty muggy outside as the day went on. I decided mostly stay inside. I got to work on time since I decided
not to visit the cat on 46th street. As it was I got at work right at 9 am. I mostly worked on cleaning up
Work Late
cases that were left out of the "Sanction Book. I lost track of them and they needed 2 be scheduled.
The EL
Now my Frank's list for next month should look a lot cleaner. 
I was a little bit tired but I got to work
2 Blocks in One
and I got my commitment list for my 6:45 PM Monday night beginners meeting. First I had to go check
The Cute Cat
out the cabin John that I had on 46th St. trolley on Woodland Avenue got on 40 in Woodland. I then walked up
Catching the Trolley
and found that the folks were already home. They said the cat was in good shape which was a relief
Paying the Rent
and very cool. I've been wanted back to Baltimore Avenue and walk towards 45th an Baltimore to catch
The Old Boyd Theatre
the train back downtown. Took the trolley at the 19th St. and went to Saxby's. Decided to get something
THAT Close to October??
besides coffee. I got a very tasty smoothly. And I ran into people from the Monday night. I then came
Saxby's on a Monday Night
home and mellowed out with Sharon at home. Got some pasta, yogurt, Orangeina & ice tea. It's all good.
Looking Out From Saxby's
Now it's time to crash. Tomorrow to get a massage that was real nice. I have a lot of clients tomorrow Time to get up for the early meeting.
20th Street

I was able to get my commitments filled yeah!!Oh yeah one more major news development. The stock market dropped 1000 points in the http://wapo.st/1LxJKAc beginning of the day and settled for a
580 point loss. It's because of China slowing economy. Let's see how this plays
20th and Arch
out in the world were Donald Trump is leading in the Republican Party polls.

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