Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Tuesday With Cats

Hanging Out
It was a sunny Tuesday. I got up at 9am which is late for me. I had a wonderful breakfast as you can see further down on this page   just finished a meeting in this pavilion.We had a nice 3 person meeting.
Helmut Laws Suck
It is gorgeous out here. I think its about. 77 out and a light sweet breeze
We will be driving back starting Sat at 7 am. An overnight stop is planed at Rocky Mount NC. I thought it was located in the Western Mountains of NC but the map on Wikipedia says it on the eastern side. Oh well no mountains.  Have you been there?
I soaked up the sun and then  my friend picked
A nice place to meet
me up. We took old sweet time and did some shopping. She got some stuff and I got Lifeproof for my phone. Its really light. You know that I should have bought this the FIRST time. Oh what can  I say its live and learn. One person on Facebook said this about her
Love my Lifeproof. I take underwater shots in the pool and listen to my music and talk and text while floating on my raft. Get one
Now I aint gonna do that stuff. I am a hazard with my coffee  It's
REAL NICE out here. Makes me wanna walk and exercise!!I think I really needed this. Sunshine and warm breezes don't suck!.
On the Cobert Report
I think I would like to hit a beach. I wish I could go to Key West. It's about 7 hours from here. One day I will for sure.
Well for the rest of the day we chilled out with
Linda's cats and had take out Thai and that was pretty  good. I sat in the back patio and did some internet. I saw the Cobert Report. He was busting on Fox News faux outrage that Google had a sketch of Caesar Chavez. The quote in the photo was in the spirit of Easter more then Easter eggs. It was quite enjoyable. We will carry on!

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