Saturday, October 01, 2016

Saturday, October 1: A Meandering Free Day

 Good day everybody. Today I woke up really early had breakfastat 6 AM looked at some videos and then went back to sleep. I then quickly got dressed and went to the clubhouse. It was a perfect meeting for how I felt. There are a lot of other people who were deep inside theirfunk. I was walking home not in the mood for coffee. I didn't realize that I have to go to West Philly and walk the dogs. So instead   f buying a hammer I'm gonna walk the dogs and hopefully I'll remember to buy a hammer so I can hang pictures up. I think   'm in the mood for that. I'm not in the mood to do much else. Well this being a weekend   in Fairmount the bus detoured down Chestnut Street from about 22nd St.    decided to get off. I thought I had pictures waiting for me at the photo lounge but I really didn't. Feel like I lost a month and a half. I checked my bank account & there's no   ithdrawals from Photo Lounge since August. Well, I decided since I'm downtown I'll get over TD Bank   nd get $700 for my rent. Then I'm gonna catch the train out to West Philadelphia and walk the dogs   nd  get some cash from Pat. The TD Bank took a longer   ime Pinterest to Patty old women that must to monopolize 20  minutes  each. I didn't care because I'm just on slow mode today. I just want to walk  real slow with little a fact that's just the way it is today. So I have loads   f patience because I'm in no rush to do anything that I'm doing. My batteries   oing to die real soon has a 12:45 PM.  On the 11th probably because it appears that the price q  unning really slow today. Take this. I was offered to crash at Pat's for 250 a month. It was  appealing at first but the fact is I would have no room for any my stuff I   on't have to like tell everything I own practice and I'm not quite that desperate believe me.   he idea paint on my credit card that is kind of enticing considering after rent increase. I'm now at the Gail green line café . It's really crowded we got a hodgepodge of yuppies intense and now it's really packed in  here! I was I was really fortunate e down day outlet that I can charge my phone. I'm now at 10% and I'll stay here till about 20%. As I was sitting at the Green Line Cafe, 
                                I read a cool Facebook post call this song by the Yardbirds over under sideways down. That's kind of how I'm feeling today sitting amongst the populist walkin in West Philly. 
Well I'm finally done the dogs. They took  dumps I'm now walking towards  
Pat's place I'm now at 49th St. hoping to catch the 42 the 21 or the 64. It's now 2:25 PM and I'm pretty damn hungry. I have not eaten since this morning.
 I guess I'm a  
little depressed. But it's more of a "numbing" feeling more than a "life sucks" feeling. I'm being very slow and everything I do I'm walking slower I waited in line without getting agitated. It's like I'm on strong meds.

I'm really grateful that I had nothing pending on my calendar. I have a feeling I would've felt like this a little bit even the Wednesday  phone call at work didn't happen. 

How are you handling your very busy day? I'm glad it's not raining. It's raining in Cape May from what Larry just told me now. It's now  2:35 PM and I just caught  

the 42 bus. I got off at 42nd St. and walking the rest of the way to Pat's. I think I'll have some Indian. I'm thinking about meeting Darlene  

and her friends at a meeting up in the great Northeast. I have Sharon $700 so I'm glad I got that short done. I then left at around 5:15 PM and headed home. I'm out with Sharon and we talked a bit. I then had some leftover pasta and went straight upstairs  

and basically stayed up there for quite some time. Sharon went out meanwhile. I then talk to someone on Messenger for a while and that was that

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