Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Tuesday, October 4: Waiter for the future

 Well after not getting a great night sleep but I slept until about 8:30 AM.    Took the cat to 15th St. to catch the EL to work. I got to work late but my supervisor was at ameeting  so it was all OK. Today was one of those days where if you take creating work. I got the work done but didn't get as much work I wanted to get done. So, work ended and I hopped  on the EL and headed downtown and grab a quick coffee at elixir café. The folks behind the   ounter very pleasant and that was cool. I then hop on over to 1420. The word on   e came up a couple times as well as boundaries etc. After the 45 minutes, I went outside   and it was a nice mix with the blue sky. It's getting darker sooner and sooner every  day. Today was cloudy early  yet it wasn't miserable and  cloudy. I wanted to show some pictures they came out very well I think. I found   ut that someone or used to date unfriended me because I couldn't find the   erson on messenger. Oh well what can I say. Well I came home and didn't talk to anybody on the   hone. And I didn't have much to say to Sharon says I just wanted to go up stairs 2  look at comity and live there. And it was an OK day. Today is the day I talked about  going to Buffalo Clemen time in November. I thought about election day but I'm gonna be able to float and I don't trust absentee voting. I also talked about  taking a bus trip to meet a friend who lives in Minnesota and we can meet somewhere in between. Right now it's just talk

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