Sunday, October 2: Bar None, Ardmore and the Mystery of SEPTA e-commerce website, iPhone, backup
Well at about 9:00 AM mother nature made a call so I got up. I got up to ight thing up pretty late after crashing earlier in the evening. I was ready to go to the clubhouse on Fairmount Avenue when decided to go to the bar none since th 48 bus showed up right at the corner of 23rd and Fairmount. I hopped on and got off at 4th and market. It look like I was going to be on time to make the 9:42 AM. Well, the 57 bus 🚌 finally showed up and then I caught the route 40 bus to the Bridget.Foy's. I was walking down South Street towards the meeting and this just struck me so I took a picture of it. That's how I get my best ideas for taking pictures I just take it and worry about how it looks later. The photo was of a man in a wheelchair in the middle of South Street. I have not been there for a while so it was interesting. he more things change the more they stay the same. It's true for this meeting for sure. Well I'm gonna chill at any coffee shop called milk and honey before I shuffle on offguard morning return the key. I've not been here in a long time. It's the land of really hip people and boyfriends. I'm just sitting here in the corner and contemplating & writing to a Messenger pen pal and writing my blog. Well, I finished my food and I got tired of this guy staring at me every time talk to my phone. I left and walked to 5th Street then hit market Street and got the 33 but to Jefferson tation. Well on politics where the topic of Trump's tax returns and how much you pay taxes, if any, were paid. Whatever is actually in Trump’s tax returns is worse than what the New York Times says The article points out that if the times are wrong Trump's campaign would ump on it hard. The Philadelphia Inquirer has an article as wellGiuliani and Christie think Trump is a genius! I'm n the train nowheading to Ardmore I charged my phone 30%. My flight delay myself I will catch up at 2:15 PM train back to Philadelphia. The train ride to Ardmore was a little funny. First the train had to travel backwards to switch tracks and they scanned my key card and I had a big red X. The ticket guy let me go though so it was OK. For the train manage to make it to Ardmore and I walked over there pick up my stuff dropped off the key. I then turned around and caugh 2:15 PM train back to Center City. I had a mild incoident happen when again my key card did not work but this time the lady was not going to cut me a break. I went to this septic e-commerce site to prove that he paid and nothing was there. I called customer service and they have no record of any payment. I eve n checked both my credit cards and there is no payment showing up yet. I'm gonna ride this out for couple more days and then push the issue on October 5. That's the last day you can buy monthly Transpasses. I decided not to go to the 60 minutes into Larry wasn't going to be going. I decided to backup my hotos from the phone 📱 to my computer. Well that extra three hours I ad at home really gave me time to do that task. I'm not really sure if I got everything all photo everything is not in perfect order.
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