roused myself up after some effort and showered
going to have a door. I walked down 24th St. to Pennsylvania Avenue and caught
he 48 where I would usually catch the 32 bus. I then called the other
modes of transportation and got it work just in time to take the phone
all for the appeal. After a woman to the punch talking the client decided to
ithdraw the appeal because I scheduled her for Wednesday morning.
So there are a couple people plants, that took up some time but I was glad to get them done when I didn't have 15 people coming in like I do tomorrow. I kind
a wish
had gotten two or three sections done but it least I gave them
ne. I made a little bit of progress on my list. My last day of work is a week from Wednesday.
ell the solar eclipse was today. It was pretty unremarkable
ecause we had too many clouds going on just as the clips came. I managed
to get a good picture
from someone else. I could not for the life of me get a decent picture from my camera. It y
was a little bit disappointing. I did convince 2 people
o send their pictures because I want at least a half decent picture while I
t work. I did try to take videos
hoping maybe that would enable me to get a decent
picture. I was paranoid looking at the sun because you know
if you look at the sun too long one of the clips you can go blind
. From what I hear, there's a picture of Donald Trump staring at the sun
hen he wasn't supposed to. It was on one of my favorite apps from the online magazine slate
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