Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wednesday, August 30: Working Hard & Getting Ready for Trip 2 Buffalo

OK everybody today's the last day of work for this week. I've got to get the 
 eport done and try to see as many people as possible.  Well I got to work on time which is always a good thing 
 nd proceeded just plow away at my work 
 s I usually do. It felt like a Friday to me since I was not 
 onna be back to work till next Tuesday which is a good thing. I need the time off I haven't taken time off since my niece's wedding back in my think that was in May. I finished 
 y report and managed to ride up to sanction packets to hopefully keep 
 anagement at Bay. Are they soft couple of people but not the couple of others 
 idn't bother to show up including what I'm trying to get in for a for 
 n appeal. After work, I first went to the TD Bank. I didn't have enough 
 oney in my account to  rite a cashiers check so I got three regular checks 
 ade. I made the one check for rent so I have time for my bank account to get my paycheck from work on September 1. This is this is the first time I've needed
 a check float in quite some time but I needed to do it. Next, 
I went to the clubhouse and that was pretty good and then after that I came home and started to 
 ack for my bus trip. The bus is scheduled to leave at 10:05 PM from 30th St. station. I did 
 anage to pack but didn't give myself time to heat up my Indian
 food that I had in the refrigerator so I just took it with me still cold. I was pretty hungry the first 2 
hours of the trip. I did manage however to get the food heated up at the rest stop. The food really

 hit the spot well and I thought I was going to sleep pretty good. It 
 urns out I did no such sleeping at all through 
 ost of the trip. The trip did go by pretty smoothly and we only stopped twice

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