Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday, April 19: Cold and Black Ant 👑

Good morning. After staying up past my bedtime whatever that is, I decided I needed to sleep 

 n today mainly because I didn’t go to bed on time but also because I know 

 ’m going to be seeing people all day. Well I got on the train at 8:54 and got off the train at 9:05. That  

as pretty fast today wasn’t as crowded this yesterday morning. Well I got to 

 ork OK. I then signed in and do what I have to do to get ready. 3 to 4 people 

 ame at the same time but I was able to get them in and out fairly quickly. 2 of them took a 
little while but I only had to send one to the program. Well I worked 

 er way and 60% of people schedule showed up which is about what

 I would expect. I then had some frozen lasagna that my desk made gave

 me yesterday. That was pretty good. I didn’t leave the office all day long. 

 he supervisors were in training learning about labor relations from 
 omeone he used to be a caseworker that promote it. They know who they want to promote and this agency that’s for sure. Anyhow, I left 
work and 

 ent down to Saxbys to meet a friend who says to meet me at 6 o’clock. When we met and I and it up 

helping her  find the coffee pot that would work. By the end of the 
 eeting I was really exhausted all I want to do is go to bed. Well find of coming home and taking about a 

 ap for an hour and 
hen I watch my YouTube videos and forgot to call my friend at 11. By the time I remembered it 1135 and they were asked of sleep.

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