Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sunday, April 15: Back to Cold & Wet

Good day. I did get up earlier but I couldn’t motivate myself yet to get the laundry 

  at least collected the laundry and what I need to do a strategically call Uber and drop it off. Which I intend to do today. I have instructions to visit Murray at the hospital at noon. But a time I was motivated there is not enough time 

 o get back and forth to West Philly so I decided I chill out at Saxbys. It is really cold and chilly I wear about 30° cooler today than it was yesterday plus little bit of drizzle and a gusty wind once again. Well almost got 

 y umbrella liberated by a huge gust of wind. I even brought down Bralla and 

 he heavier jacket after I’ve been outside once. So I rolled out of my place and went to Saxbys and had

 some coffee and updated yesterday‘s blog post. That was fun. I then went to Jefferson hospital and visited my friend  and

 he was doing better after I left. It was good to see him and stuff. I then had 

 o leave around 1:45 PM because a friend is coming in to help clean my space. It is 42° 

 ut here yesterday I swear it was 82° outside. I mean the weather totally did it’s April thing going from One extreme to the other. Next I’m going

 to go to the laundromat in West Philly to catch up on all the laundry that
 I haven’t done. My friend Brooke says it’s not a lot laundry but to me it is. Anyway I got the room cleaned and then I went to the meeting

 and edited yesterday‘s blog posting. I walk with a group of friends clean

 when I used to see all the time and then went home

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