Well, I woke up finally at 9:40 AM. I first woke up and talked on messenger and then went right back to sleep. No I did not make another baby I decided I wouldn't o that today because there's enough of people around in the world. I then went o the clubhouse and then afterwords went to the CVS to get some for. Some provisions. No not iapers or other baby poop needs but just sponge and dish washing detergent because I need them. No children not necessary to wash your dishes absolutely not. did have a cup of coffee at the OC have coffee house which is pretty good. I'm gonna go home take a shower and head out to West Philly. Well I did get some provisions and I ent home and help Sharon out since she got a stupid letter from stupid government gency. Then I talk to my friend from Canada and it was fun. We did the video phone call through messenger. After that I took my long anticipated shower. And then cut the seven bus to 22nd St. and then took the L at the 52nd St. Hung ut with my friend and we did some catching up. I am really hungry now and it's 4 o'clock . I guess I'm not etting my haircut done because I don't see it getting done at 4 o'clock. Well I rrived at Pats and saw his basement all nice and tidy. I then went to order some food. We got the usual and now we're going to watch the American experience. The Mine Wars. ell news in the outside world, The women's march in DC is coming up next week January 21 haven't decided hether I'm going but man January 21 came up awfully fast. We watch the movie about the ine wars. It's a pretty amazing story of how 3000 coal miners were marching into a town that had no union and the next County hand heavily armed state militia and anti-union thugs. The federal government broke it up but didn't help them get any justice.Things didn't get any better from 1921 to 1931 when the New Deal legislation gave the union's right to organize during the depression.
It was a compelling story for sure!!! Pat attempted to get one of his large planes to start up but it was not cooperating. It's 34° outside it says snow but it's not going below freezing till 6 AM according to my iPhone temperature app. Well in other news,President elect Donald Trump ripped into the civil rights icon John Lewis for being all talk and no action! He used Twitter again to react to Louis statement that Trump is not "a legitimate" president. G I wonder when we've heard that one before. The Republicans and Trump with his "birther" controversy attacked Obama consistently over the past 8 years. So, who are the real crybabies here? Well enough of that for now. It is 7:53 PM. I plan to walk over to You Do We Do Laundromat to pick up some laundry and then take Uber back home for the evening. It's just kind of nasty that little unsafe for Pat to ride his bike. Well what do you do be doing they had a little trouble finding because it was from December. it's a $15 hall of laundry not too bad. I then call and Uber pool and got home pretty quickly. I talked to Sharon for a while. Lisa then called and talked to her via messenger and looked at her little kitties etc. I then talked to Amy and we talked for a bit and then I got really tired and just started falling asleep. I just crashed right right from there.
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