Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sunday, September 11: Ardmore, Rosemont, Media, and Philadelphia

It was 7:00 AM when I got up this morning Meg had been up for couple hours. I really just want to sleep in big time. Our plan was   o go eat breakfast and then go to a meeting in Rosemont. She had made the coffee but I forgot to drink it and she had some   ime to her self which is good. We decided that the schedule for the 48 was going to make it way too close to make the 805 Thorndale train.nice  Do you have a driver showed up on time after I give them initially the wrong address and he was pretty cool. Meg gave them a tipRosemont train station  any fiend genuinely surprised. I've never seen anyone get it from over before and he may do that. Anyhow it was a good thing because  we had 10 minutes to decompress and wait for the train. The train didn't show up on time and it was a nice smooth  ride. We got to the mission café around 830. We have plenty of time to get breakfast then eat it. I had yogurt water OJ and coffee for   y breakfast and it was very tasty and delicious. Well the meeting was upstairs. The room had absolutely no chairs. A bunch of   s gathered up chairs and the meeting went on the schedule. It was pretty intense and very interesting. I did find myself pretty tired . I rallied and got a lot of out of it. Afterwards we walked in and caught the BMW from Rosemont to Ardmore   Avenue. We came back and drove out to Springfield to meet her friend who lives in Springfield. At Springfield, we drove down  to mediate with her having a "super Sunday.". The closed state street where the trolley runs and there was vendors and food stands as well. Today was at least 10° cooler with a high being 84°   nstead of 94 like it was yesterday. I called mom and she met us down there while we were eating lunch from an Indian restauran t that was selling stuff. We had a nice time. Mom went on her way and walked back to her place and we drove in Meg's friends  car. She decided to do a U-turn and we were just about to get T-bones by a hot rod car and that car managed to avoid us barely.  The other Driver also didn't crash either which is a miracle. Another lucky thing is the guy didn't come chasing after us or call the police. Her friend was upset about  family matters and I think that might have contributed to our close call. We went back to Ardmore and mellowed out for a little while. I then left a little before 6 so I could catch the 6:05 PM Ardmore  
train to suburban station to hit the 60 minutes. I'm chairing the meeting this month and got my friend Bruce to be my speaker. Hey speech went over very well. I took the 7 bus home and chilled out with Sharon. Later on  while I was talking to my friend, I thought the cat was sniffing my leg but it was a RACCOON!!
I was in too much shock to scream or paint or kick it. I told Sharon and she thought the raccoon  might be stuck but alas it wasn't. Even though our porch is cut off from the outside with mortar and a doorway those kind of road I have a way of getting in. A side note, The Eagles beat the Browns 29 to 10. Our new quarterback Carson Wentz went out there and did very well. It was a good start to the season. Next week the Eagles meet the Bears on Monday night football.

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