Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday, October 14: working through

Well I got up early enough but I decided I want you can Burns's "Baseball" and finish that up instead of running frantically downtown. I did show
up to work not terribly late. My supervisor is the least half hour later than me so it was all copacetic. I
felt fine at work but towards the end of the day I started getting really run down. I have to going to the
break room and like my head down. Natalie invited me and another fellow to meet at a Mexican
restaurant right next to McGlinchy's bar. It's at 15th St. near Locust. It's a Southwest themed 
restaurant. They have really good burritos and nachos. I looked up the meeting finder. I found
out that the next one is the night owl @ 1130. I'm no I shouldn't be out that late tonight.

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