Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, October 20: Apache Junction to LA

The Front of Carl;s House
Well it's another splendid sunny  morning here in Apache Junction Arizona. I think I
What a Forecast
got up around 6:30 AM when Carl is going back to bed after working all night and Liz was just getting up. The cute little kitty cat is still here in the
bathroom. Liz got one response want her Facebook page about a lost kitty. The Woman live far away and made some weird remarks that Liz had
Cute Kitty
trapped  the cat in the bathroom and left a phone number that had a man's
The Local Walmart
voice on it. She then complaint to the appetizer of the paper if she's a regular weirdo. Liz is willing to drive
I Got a Haircut
me back to Mesa for my 11:50 AM bus to LA and then LA to Oakland. It's 9:36 AM Mountain standard
Far Away from Saxby's
time and I decided I needed to get out the house so I walked around the area looking for a pharmacy.
A Dove in the Backyard
I'd like to get another bandage for my sore foot and see what else is out here. Well I must admit I had to
Cutting Hair
say hallelujah to Walmart. I'm going to get a pedicure done a haircut and get a ankle support thing for my foot. I also got some refreshments cause I got really thirsty just limping over
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here to the Walmart.all done before I launch off to Mesa for the Greyhound
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Well, it was a good plan until the pedicure took much longer than I expected. I caught a cab
My Stuff
at 11:15 AM got back to Carl's place and Liz was like you're going to miss your bus probably. She took me down and I caught the bus with 30 seconds to spare at Mesa. The bus trip from 
Mesa at the Phoenix was very short
Downtown Phoenix
20 minutes. That is the same time it takes to get from Apache Junction to Mesa. I decided to take a cab to downtown Phoenix
Where I ate Lunch
rather than bake in the extreme heat. The cabbie was really cool and he took me right near a pizza place
My Lunch
where I am going to grab  some real food. Well I ate two slices of pizza and a and a lemonade and they made me feel a lot better. I then took
Phoenix Convention Center
a little walk in downtown Phoenix. It's basil really a few huge buildings the convention center and the Phoenix Suns basketball stadium..
The Light Rail Line
There's virtually no shade as well. I was fortunate the Google maps had me take two buses that showed
My Route Back to Greyhound
up right on time so I barely had to walk at all. I took a light rail and after the light rail I caught the 70 bus to the Greyhound station. I arrived at 2:55. The women that were holding my bags didn't think I was going to make it.
The Light Rail

Looking Out from the Light Rail
Thank God I did!😄✌️
It is now 3:21 PM this bus unlike the Mesa to Phoenix bus is running right now a minute late. I'm
supposed arrive in Oakland at approximately 30 p.m. Pacific time. The bus is fairly packed. I estimate at least two thirds speak Spanish. Two
Route 70 Bus
 are just nonstop talking. Around 5 o'clock people started quieting down and napping. Which was nice. I was able to take in the little short power nap.  I believe @ some point,when it's dark, 
 I'm going to have to say: "Shhh...please be quiet. The Greyhound bus drivers in some my previous parts of the trip that cautioned
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people to be respectful and quiet when it's late out. Hey Everyone! It is now 6:03 PM Pacific time
View from Bus
we just entered California drove past needles and are now in Blithe California. This is our only rest stop the entire 300+ miles
Sunset California
that were going  to LA. I got two bean burritos.
Entering California
These bean-only burritos were $2.45 each. They are freaking huge! I'm not gonna be able to
eat BOTH of them but I will have extra food 4 me later. So it's only 12 more hours until I arrive in Oakland. I'm keeping myself busy through Facebook and text messages every so often. There's some nice people out
there in the world. We are winding down to the homestretch to Los Angeles. It is 9:41 PM Pacific time we're doing to be in LA at 10:30.
Waiting at the LA Bus Station
Well we got here at 10 o'clock but this bus station was really disorganized and waiting for our 1130 bus till 1130 so it is now 1141 and apparently
My All Night Route
there is a grumpy bus driver She lashed out at a kid for talking on her cell phone.Well we left around
11:45 PM from Los Angeles. The bus driver warned us heavy traffic & high winds. So I expect to be in Oakland after 7am.  

1 comment:

MoonDoggie said...

What happened to your foot? Missed that part.
Good job staying focused.