I woke up feeling tired, but I felt like I had slept. Of course I thought I could
slept a lot more. I anyhow I got on the train. It looked like it just
rained recently. I got on SEPTA and, I realized I got off late at 13th St. So I dealt
with that and just walked up 13th and then went to Broad Street thinking
maybe I could catch a bus to get me to Mike sooner but that was not in the cards my friend.
Anyhow, I did a little bit of laundry for Mike and the bathing lady
came in Claudia and I threw a load of laundry in. It’s drying out right now. I decided
to go to that karma coffee because I just need a little caffeine pick
me up and to make me forget about that. I’m still fighting off this whatever the fuck is left of this cold. They
was very top notch almost was cold. I think I’m back from the coffee
struggled a little bit it’s now almost 1:00 PM. I just got notification that the FDA approved the updated Covid vaccine so they should be available soon
October I’ll get the flu shot. Anyhow, they concluded quietly, and I just stepped
mostly cloudy and slightly humid. Not sticky as yesterday. I’m sure the yoga studio will
thing in my throat but hopefully I can wipe it out. Sweat it out and
get some sleep and all that good stuff. Well, the studio was really steamy and
humid. I felt stronger in some way, but humidity really sucked
the wind out of me! After the class I went to my MONDAY Night Beginners
meeting, which was fine. It was about being fear-based. It was good.
they’re seeing paint next week. I get some older don’t do concerts anymore
. After the meeting I don’t stop. I hung out with Brandon really nice time then I was pretty tired so I left around 9:30 PM. Came home and ate a little bit and then crashed and mighty crash man.
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