Thursday, September 07, 2023

Thursday, September 7: Delicious Sandwiches and Baby Flamehead

I woke up today and had trouble getting up as usual cause I’m 

still fighting this cold. Did my breakfast and packed my yoga stuff and headed out and I’m headed out a little bit late so I got downtown. It was pretty hot and I figured 

maybe I’ll just take Uber and get there quicker. Well that was a complete fail because the driver kept getting further and further away and I canceled it and that’s what I used as an 

excuse. It’s too bad I didn’t take any screenshots of it. Uber could charge me. I think a five dollar fee if I don’t have a good excuse but we’ll see. I was pretty hot when I got to Mike’s and not in a good way hot that’s for sure. 

Tropical storm Lee is in the mid Atlantic and it could affect us, but it probably won’t make landfall . Anyhow, I ended up doing an errand for Mike and taking my sweet time and going 

to good karma coffee where I had a delicious half so we have coffee mix. I’m still feeling dragged down by this cold so I’ve been watching comedy tick-tock 

just to lift my spirits Since I showed up real late I may go to the 5 o’clock class but I don’t 

know if I can handle 90 minutes plus then run over to Fairmount & lead a meeting. 
Jesus Christmas then tomorrow I have an errand to do which is going to take up a lot of me. Well I’m just chilling out today Mike’s physical therapist 
came in today and I’ve been watching  Tick-tock’s. Mike physical therapist from Chester county just like Mike and she knows somebody 
that works at Longwood Gardens are just really close to the Chester county prison with his murder murder escape from. She gave us an 

update that they have black helicopters, the feds the state, every goddamn law enforcement agency out there combing the woods and they still have not called 

him yet as of 2:13 PM today. Well this point, I decided that I would skip yoga today 

and see about tomorrow. I’m gonna leave work late like I did. It’s

 now 4:14 PM. Going to get some dinner and then head out to my meeting 

because I’m cheering I can’t skip that. I just feel like the Pillsberry 

doughboy not quite myself kind of Dowie kind of lacking in motivation. Anyhow, about 430 to go to a friends house for a little while then eat some dinner and then head off to my meeting in 

Fairmount. It’s it’s just kind of hot and gross out here and it is September but we have these heat wave early September, because well not because well one time the school district
opened before Labor Day. Well that didn’t work out because of the heat. I I went to Rittenhouse Square and enjoyed some delicious sandwiches home, made and ready to eat. They 

were very delicious. I just couldn’t strain myself at yoga in this heat while trying to get over this cold completely. I remembered a band called Baby Flamehead and 
bought that first album from 1990 boys that bring me back to fun times. It’s such a good time almost lost track of getting to my meeting at church at 8:15 PM. I’m chairing the meeting this

 month so I Uber to because I couldn’t be late for that. It’s now 804 time to go. Well, I lead the meeting and it went pretty well. I was helped on the computer side and there were a lot of new people there. I let the meeting and I let it go over about five minutes because there are so many sheriffs. I forgot the seventh tradition for a moment, but it all went well, and I even caught the 49 bus back in time and I didn’t have to wait long for SEPTA which was a real super break for me. Came home and I had trouble sleeping so I ate yogurt and the rest of my strawberries. 

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