got up originally around 630 but realized I could sleep more and just roll out of bed and eat a banana and run and that’s what I
a really busy daybusier than I expected and I had to come into work today. Fortunately, it was not raining but unfortunately it was pretty damn chilly outside
morning I’ve had in a long time. Anyhow, Mike and I went to a doctors appointment and they took forever, but there was a beautiful view of the city today as a clouds were
We were 20 floors up. That was pretty cool. I got some good pictures from all that. Mike was in that doctors office seemingly forever
case. We got back pretty quickly because the Van service showed up just 5 minutes
it until 11 but I don’t think the driver got the message so he showed
up his usual 15 minutes late which I ended up being on time. after that, I had lunch
and some super coffee etc. I then took a nice 40 minute nap and
went to get Mike’s scripts. I took my sweet time getting the scripts because it
was so nice outside. It’s probably the nicest day we’re going
to have for a while. it was what I like to say bountiful. Anyhow, I did put in for my time off and did my rehearsal verification
public interest form as well. By the time I got back, Mike was already seeing his therapist at 3 o’clock, so I sat on the steps and killed time. Speaking of killing time
and then went home. Took care of some business and decided I needed to go to
it but friends of mine on the group text were talking about it. Tim Scott said the stupidest
thing you ever did here. Saying the black survive
stray slavery but they had problems surviving the great society programs from Lyndon Johnson. I actually
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