Well after staying up till about 1:30 AM last night,
got up with pattern round eight. I was not really off I talk to him but I still as lying in the futon. Pat got me my keys and we talked a bit. We laughed about the idiot who wore black face and remarked
ow smoothly it went yesterday despite the battery dying. Both of us never change the battery before buyer selves believe it or not.
nyhow I then went back to sleep when Pat went to work because I
as tired. The move went smoothly but moving is definitely a bit mine altering.
fter my nap I did some scrubbing the kitchen cabinet and some sweeping up the bathroom and
itchen. I got my bathroom stuff and my kitchen stuff in. That’s about it. Pat then drove me down towards Fairmount to meet Wes. There’s a meeting at 5:30. Pack very nice offered me a ride to Fairmount. I definitely
took since it was raining outside. When I got done Fairmount and I decided I needed something to eat so I had Pat drop me off at Luigi’s Pizza Fresca. I always
liked her slices. I’m in a really interesting woman and we talked for about 15 minutes. She was raised in UpperDarby can relate to some of the things there. She was happily married and pretty cute. She was 65. After that I walked to the OCF and Josh and I was about to leave there was Wes and we hit it. After the meeting I got dropped off at Brighton Fairmount and headed back home. Once I got home to Melbourne, I just did a little bit of cleaning and it bit of organizing. Ciao down on some pasta watch some YouTube videos and eventually went to bed. This will be a week long process getting my place feeling like home.
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