Thursday, December 06, 2018

Thursday, December 6: Cold Pay-Day Eve

Good chilly morning to everyone. I got some good morning texts clued in one of our planning for the movie that was  filmed that I now have to produce. I really needed

 coffee so I got it at Saxbys. Thankfully I had change from my world famous change  box that will allow me to have the coffee and the diet Pepsi 

 or lunch. As for coffee afterwards well, not so sure about that less I want to owe more money to Wes. Oh right he’s in New York for several days. It’s

 Thursday and really looking forward to getting that direct deposit tomorrow. I really wildly missjudged how much money I had. Let’s hope I can managed a

  little better this time. I do really need stuff and I need to get Christmas stuff this pay because the next pay will be rent and it’s too close to Christmas anyway. Well work 

 roceeded on. Yes it was definitely pretty busy. I just saw 5 people which isn't horrible.  I went to a very tense labor-management meeting for a half hour. Management was
 really salty. They would not discuss changing what they did so it was a stalemate. The day got better after that. I lost my  hat and that's about it I'm 

 probably going to go to a meeting I might just go downtown instead of the Fairmount .Wes is in New York for another day. After the meeting I’m gonna do more 

 oving stuff back at the Melbourne Homestead. Well I decided I’d go to Fairmount anyway. I was scrounging 

 round with change your head and I discovered while waiting for 33 bus that I had eight dollar coin. It was really hard to read but I figured it out it’s a dollar coin so I have enough for coffee this 

 vening yay! Well I want to the meeting it was really sparsely
attended. It was kind of surprising like BL being really empty on the way home. It was kind of a weird meeting in my head 
Then I started getting really hungry and tired. 

 here was a few stud muffins there and I loved it when one of the more anyway ran up to  one of the guys so so manly yet so sensitive  t’s quite a combo to be able to pull off.

 Anyhow I took the Broad Street linTo the El and came home. Pat and I talked a little bit he took a nap and then I chowed down on pasta and 

 ot so tired that I couldn’t help but just crash. I was so tired I also took my meds late too so there goes another day. Oh by 
the way the Russian is busy this weekend 

 nd I’m going to be seeing a man  of La Mancha with Mike to see Dea do song verse wonderful acting. That should be interesting.

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