Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wednesday, December 19: Fun w/SEPTA and Hump Day

Well I got up and somehow time caught up with me. I caught the train. I knew something

 was up to a train stopped at Melbourne. I got on. We waited about 10 

 inutes and then they told us to get off the train. Somebody had passed out and we
were told to go to th westbound side to catch a make up train. We caught the train pretty quickly and I videotaped the adventure. And put it on Facebook and 
 Twitter. Anyhow I showed up to meeting better late than never and then had a coffee and actually socialize with somebody

 after the meeting there. It’s extra cold this morning. I’m think I need
 to write up my sanctions today and get that out-of-the-way. 
 Thanks man  ell I did break up for a phone. I was very pleased that it 
 seemed kind of flow nicely. The phone didn’t ring too much and I didn’t have all that much interruption. Well today I needed to just go straight home

 for a change. I came home and ate the last of my food and took a nap and got up and started the fourth step for tomorrow morning.

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