and actually made to sunrise very close to being on time even after I ordered coffee at Saxby‘s. I got to work on time as well and volunteered
to be
he GSR once more. So I’ll be going back to those meetings
on the 4th Tuesday of each month but this time it’s on a Thursday because
f the holiday. I don’t think my Apple calendar works that well so I’m probably
oing to have to put it on my work calendar because that seems to
e more reliable. Only one of my clients showing up but I think the potty I’ll come in the afternoon. It’s now
2:09 PM my time flies when I’m having fun. Well end of the day OK. My modem did come in to the condo and I’ll be ready to meet the
guy from Comcast tomorrow. Meanwhile, when I got home I had called Amazon several times in the bank several times to try to get a $96 charge off my account. I’m not sure why I can’t get it
ff bu it’s better when Amazon customer service is not from overseas.
D bank holds people for 30 minutes even after work hours. Anyway, the charge going to disappear either Saturday morning according
to Amazon or next Tuesday according to the bank. It’s really pathetic so I’m gonna have a negative
balance until next week. The banks promised me they remove all the charges. I Fortune was
ble take a nap while I was waiting. I then went to my 7:45 PM appointment and made my Indian surprise. Well great news from Alabama the Democrat beet Roy Moore 51 to 49 percent. First Democrat elected Arizona 25 years. That Roy Moore was a scumbag
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