Friday, December 01, 2017

Thursday, November 30: A Productive Day at Work & I Submit Art

Well I awoke around 5 AM since I had an idea in my head that I needed to move the rest of my stuff 
before went to work today. I pressed forward knowing that I didn’t
 lose my photo frames nor the nails that I would need to get them set up 
 or drop off at 702 Catherine St. With that
 in mind I want to pick up my car from enterprise Rent-A-Car and gave myself
 two hours to go pick up my rental car and then pick up my 
 tuff at stuff @ Fairmount  I  then would go to the storage place and then
 go back to 40th St. to catch the L to work. Well I managed to 
 o all that and get it work about  9:02 AM Sosa good thing that I gave myself 2 hours. 

 I came and I want to head and forged ahead and got quite a bit done
 considering I was up at 5 AM. I think it was the adrenaline. After work, I
 I went down to da Vinci to drop off my photographs that were stopping by at Pats place. Next I decided to come back to Fairmount 
 nd have my final sleep over at N. 24th St. I’ve deafly missed Sharon and the sunrises. It’s The end of an era.

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