to the Apple store and they were open @ 10 a.m. To kill time I went to
tarbucks and bought myself a New York Times. I have not done that in a
ong time. Before smart phones there was the New York
imes on Sunday to read and sit and chill. If feels like it so long ago but it was only 15 years ago or so.
Well as I was charging my phone at Starbucks I got a call from a friend who walk dogs for that
she had an opening for a massage. I want to the new toppers and it’s
freaking nice in here. Got the scented air and the cool ass waiting room. Definitely pays to be wealthy in the US of A that’s for sure. Bring on the tax cuts! Anyway, I’m going to hang out with
arry after I’m done setting this lovely tea and I
hink I’m gonna toss out the coffee because I’ve had enough caffeine to last
definitely how the other half lived. The place also add pictures of the idle Rich living in large in the 60s through the 80s.
he “ jet set”;as they used to call them. It was pretty
elaxing with the scented air and all that. I did finally leave
hen I started getting really hungry and I need to go out meet Larry. Like
I said before, I got really hungry so I went to a vending truck and got
Giro for five bucks. Larry still sick from a virus so I’ll probably
ome over and leave soon. And get a gift card with you once me to pay
or upfront I want to wait till Friday. Anyway I’m here. Well after I ate my sandwich I
alked until I caught a bus to 13th St.. I think came home and promptly
ook a nice nap. I then decided to open up my Mac and it seems to have
dapted to my accounts. By then deleted a lot of emails and went off to walk to the 60 minutes. Larry told me Veronica wasn’t feeling well
nd we went. Speaker was decent.
Afterwords I had Ritttenhouse Square and it was really pretty with the bright lights.
took a lot of photos they came out pretty good I think. I
ame home ate some soup talked on the phone and fell sleep until 2 AM and then went to bed.
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