utomatically, went back to sleep at 5:30 AM and proceed to get up at 7:30 AM. I had set the alarm 4
he train to start its mission to Conshohocken I caught the train at suburban station. The detour that the bus had to take actually helped me out because I got to the station
quicker with about six minutes
o spare. I managed to get a Dunkin' Donuts cold coffee rather than deal
with them mixing my coffee. Directing Conshohocken and we ended up driving to the classic diner
hich is an upscale diner with really tasty breakfast stuff. We talked
about high school stuff from other amusing stuff while we were here. Who's
pretty delicious but both of us had extras because it was a lot of food.
We then went up to shore of falls of whatever it's called and started our three-mile
alk each way. It was nice because it was flat and it was shaded. I can handle that. My foot didn't even hurt
at all which was a bonus and we had good conversation
hich always helps a walk go by a lot faster. We came back to Donna's and I got my
hone charged up I got a glass of water too. I fortunately had an extra
hirt to change into. took a 6 mile hike 3 miles each way. After that she allowed
me to use her shower . She then was gonna drive me to the train station but I
ould see that we just missed the train at 4:45 and ended up watching
sudden had to go and go badly. The train showed up on time
and it was a smooth ride. I got the suburban station and took care of my
usiness in time. After that I started that I was waiting for any buses
just walked through the parkway and saw the crowds waiting
or the fireworks. There being entertained by some cheesy band they said
you could found love listening to the music. I'm not really sure that's true.
Well I stop by the CVS got myself some seltzer and orange juice for something
ifferent to drink besides ice tea. I was going to go to the bishops but I
ouldn't find Sharon in there and it was hot and uncomfortable
there. I saw the looming clouds coming I got some good pictures taken.
Yes hen I got home, I chilled out in the backyard for a little bit. That
felt really nice. I prepared some leftovers but Sharon told me about and then
then wrote to a couple friends and fell sleep. Next thing you know it, the fireworks are going off and I managed to get
a couple videos and some photographs of the fireworks. They were pretty good.
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