ad a hard time getting my ass browsed out of bed. I did get dressed eat my breakfast and go off to catch the
8 bus at the corner of 23rd St. well bunch of people are already there
hen I got there. And after about 10 to 15 minutes few of us just cited to
alk down towards the parkway and catch another bus. I did catch the 32 bus down to
18th and market and got the trolley right away and the L right away so got to work
round 9:08 AM. What wasn't doctor late today which is a good thing I was however drop the hint to clean my desk a
little bit more. Another words get rid of the huge amount of paper in my recycling bin. I'm not in that bad of a request but anyway I proceeded
number I expected. There are still a few who didn't come Yes, it did throw me off. Once a while I do get thrown by
things like that. Anyway I'm going to a therapy
appointment Its early because her 5:30 PM appointment canceled so I'm running a
couple minutes late I think. I just got on the and we're at to 34th St. at 5:25 PM. When I got to the appointment just fine. Ask again next 15
minutes and then I headed home. The session went pretty well and I hung at the coffee shop called Coffee Joe for a little while. As I was leaving
coffee Joe
realized through a text message and I missed the meeting that I as Treasurer of. I said I would send a report via email but that was a good enough because I was relieved of my duties. Oh by the way the Republicans passed a procedural vote to vote on Obama care repeal. et out of the bed up this weekend get a final bill by Thursday.Republicans passed a procedural vote to vote on Obama care repeal.
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