Monday, July 31, 2017

Sunday, July 30: A Drowsy Date and Letdown

I got up to go to the 9:30 AM clubhouse and got there just in time to get a seat. I did get 
 y ice coffee as usual one of those overpriced breakfast meats. Afterwords actually did go to the business meeting and then couldn't decide whether I'm going to get changed
 or just go straight to the mugshots coffee house. I decided
 to change clothes look a little more formal. I went to the mugshots and waited for about 
 5 minutes. She had trouble finding parking. I found out that the day that we went to
 Mugshots the last day that was going to be called the mugshots. Who's going to close it and 
 eopen as another coffee shop. All I know is that the menus going to be limited to crêpes and

 breakfast food. I thought that the crapes fat had gone away. Not a fad is rolled up ice cream. That'll 
 aturating fade away in about a year. People having fun with it though. Any hail wind up talking about Obamacare and trump care. We took a bike around the neighborhood and then I walked
 her to her car. That's it folks. Then went home and took a three hour nap and 

 hen got ready to meet Larry at Zaxby's. I first went to the The church to set up and make the coffee. I then went to hang out with Larry Branica 
 nd Larry's buddy. It was nice. The meeting went OK. They then decided to walk home since I was up in my head a little bit too much for my liking. It was very nice night to walk home.

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