Tuesday June 20: Denver to Philadelphia where Reality Hits
Good morning. t is now 12:46 AM. Flight 168 lift off at 11:59 AM is now engines to leave the gate. After multiple delays we will be lifting off. We were scheduled to arrive at 6:15 AM at this point 7 AM is probably the earliest to expect this plane to get to Philadelphia. Frontier flight 168 leaving Denver to Philadelphia. Frontier Airlines the amateur airline!! The plane is lifting off it is 12:51 AM I ill write later. despite waiting 25 minutes for some dude was charging us for only the bathroom nd it may be that way all this ilot really made up time. We ended up landing at about 5:45 AM. At that point I called Pat and by the ime I hit the restroom and picked up my bags and walked out I had waited maybe 10 minutes t most. That was really cool having a pick me up so I can ind of have time to have coffee and whatnot before rushing into work right after I flew over night. Unfortunately The bottom lock was locked so I'm just not gonna wake her up I'm just gonna ave some offee and some stuff to eat. There was a comment made to me about me being selfish while I was writing back here. Another thing to chew on in therapy today. I think I've become somewhat of a selfish person and it's really hard for me to acknowledge that. It's now 7:36 PM and I think I'm gonna have a banana after I eat this vegan loaf s I left the OCF I decided to call Tom to see if he was awake. He was and I told him I as locked out. So I was able to get in after I left the OCF coffeehouse. I hen was able to take a shower and put my clothes away. I was also stunned back to reality of my sloppiness and how I left my room. Well I took the 48 bus then the trolley and then waited way too late ong for the market Frankford elder show up. I was almost late for work. Fortunately my supervisor was not there. I found out THEY won't let my friend help me schedule because they want me to fail. The reason they want me to on hem "fail" is so then they ca prove that they need another person in our unit. The really ushing it aren't they? Why do I let them push it to this extent. Maybe that Rush song that I heard while flying back from San Diego from Rush might offer a clue. "Fly-by-night away from ere. Change my life again. Fly-by-night good night my dear. My ship isn't coming and I can't just pretend." anyhow, I guess change just happens but I just want to ress forward I hope not to get too self-indulgent. So I'm at the Starbucks because I knew I wasn't mentally in the mood for really young hipsters. Lack of sleep and having feelings of being cornered don't endear me to hipsters.
Well it's 6:20 PM a little patch of clouds just went through and I am starting feel cornered.
I don't know what part of me is going to come out tonight. Later I have a paid attention much of the world news today. I also haven't talk to couple friends f mine but we'll see how I feel later onAfter I passed out and took a nap I felt very well I found out I had some frozen samosas left. I was quite relieved frankly. I think up the room organize so I could charge my phone etc. Also bought a new charging cord.
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