Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday, June 19: Last Day in California & Off 2 Denver

 Well I got a really decent night of sleep and finally got up for real at 10 AM this morning Pacific time. As I got up at Alice and Mimi were taking care of their own business and I got my clothes out of 
  the dryer and was getting ready to go to my meeting in Encinitas. I decided I'd leave extra early so I have time   o have a casual breakfast. Well I trusted Siri to get me there and I have blindly followed  her directions because I don't know my way in to I haven't had   y breakfast or coffee yet. Siri ended up taking me to downtown San Diego. She had decided to change my   estination from Encinitas to San Diego. That just added a extra half hour of freeway fun. Now instead of having plenty of time before the meeting I'm literally going to have to hope they have some snacks at the meeting instead of being able to casually have a nice sitdown breakfast. Oh well. I did manage to find a fruit and vegetable   tore that had real milk a banana and more of those them power fruit smoothies. I didn't song my friend there and I sat on a very   omfortable couch during the meeting. I was asked to speak and  I said something and then I hung out afterwards. I hung out with Jess and hung out with this other fellow and  then this woman who with her boyfriend live in a trailer and they drive all over   he place. She bought a $4200 trailer off this old couple. Just giving me some   ossible ideas for five year from now in 2021 or 2022. That is if it's supposed to happen.  I didn't drive about 2 miles to the entrance of Encinitas and went to a recommended taco stand just passed the large   ncinitas sign. I ended up waiting for a half hour. While I was waiting for my order  I went to the7-Eleven across the street 2  use the ATM machine and it   id not take withdrawals.  I got an iced tea,  3 bananas and an apple pie to hold me over. I was pretty hungry. The place was   ull of high school kids going swimming. I think got home just before the rush-hour started. I   te my burrito and then realize that I have to take Uber at 5:00 PM for the airport. The flight leaves at 7:45 PM Pacific time. But I did  catch Uber after to the previous  drivers canceled. Even with all that and attempt to get a second rider on my own UberPool I  managed to make the airport in plenty of time. The check in but smooth even though I had to take off my shoes   nd belt this time because I wasn't TSA check in. I talked to a couple people. I talked to one person   while riding over in the other person I just finished talking to while I was at the airport. It is now 7:00 PM Pacific time. I'm listening to the Beatles revolver and killing time. Looks like   e're probably going to fly late because the plane just landed and boarding was supposed to be at 7:10 and it's now 7:38 PM. I guess this is what happens when you go to a smalltime  airline that charged you $45 to check your bags. It's now 8:15 PM doing the plane is just moving out of the terminal. Also I lost my   onnecting cord and one of my chargers. Thank God there   as somebody next meal has a  harger. I did so well not losing it and coming through for other  people and charging their phones. Anyhow be able to connecting flights   t 11:59 PM in Denver. It's now 8:21 PM when we are ready for lift off. On the flight remitter very nice woman who is flying   ack to her husband and kid in Denver. She let me borrow her charger   harger wire because I lost my charger wire. Who's good to talk to somebody nice he killed a lot it killed the time on the flight. We then arrived Denver after the flight left it off late but we had to wait 20 minutes for a manual count  on game day 40 which the plane was switched from gate 34. Or 11:59 PM flight was delayed to  12:15 AM they were about to start the manual count we heard is crashing noise.Well it ended up being a minor problem with some kind of crowbar. And the mechanics fixed it. Don't 1233 I'm going to go to the next days blog. I  did manage   o hit the McDonald's and get a couple McNuggets and the code so I can pay for the food and drink on the flight

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