smoke free environment. As I was writing this at Allegheny Station I just got some secondhand smoke Western in my lungs. Folks can’t help themselves.
xhausted last night and should’ve gone to bed earlier than I did but I went to bed at a decent hour.
lubhouse. I reserved my spot & got me a coffee. I was a little shaky but I got it and got my seat in the front
at all. My mind was getting in my pop up resentment
mode which I really wasn’t happy about but that’s where I was.
Afterwords I talked to a couple people the woman was nice but I
clubhouse got another coffee and found out that I put an app in my phone that turns on my voicemail messages into email. This is NOT my
refixes which are all spam. Google maps decided from Fairmount it would be quicker to
ake the 33 N. into North Philly to Allegheny Avenue and 22nd and pick up a
ommuter train to Conshohocken and get me there by 1:03 PM. It’s now 12:46 PM should be here shortly. Where the train showed up and I ride to Conshohocken around 1:10 PM
Donna picked me up and we drove down there. The Google
t but the parking is pretty bad and we spent another 15 minutes looking for parking but we got it. In the parking lot it’s
he music wasn’t bad and it wasn’t completely packed with people. Only place it was really packed there’s a beer garden I wasn’t going in there for sure.Anyhow there were plenty of women
of an appropriate age they are which is a different thing for me. I still just couldn’t shake off my bad mood
alk to a few people met a couple people and that was fine with me. We decided to blow off going
eeling right and she said I was fine at the place I said yeah I was but I wasn’t
feeling it that’s all. I then went back to her place to rel ax and
hat was very helpful. It reminds me of a time two years ago.
was very wound up then feeling like a good cry that’s for sure. I relax there for a
hile and then I was dropped off at the Mcwan station to head home. And then talk to Amy for a little
while and that was good. Dental idea little catching up with things
watched some videos and drifted off to bed. Overall not a bad day
as very fortunate to be able to have some time spent with my friend. The
time is very special and like doesn’t always give you that kind of time.
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