Monday, July 23, 2018

Monday, July 23: Talking About the Love Sack and Mike Pence!

Hi I woke up at 6:37 AM and I decided that I wanted to order sleep so I slept in till about 8:15 AM this morning. I  then ate breakfast, took a quick shower and headed off to work. I went near the  

infamous water main break up a couple weeks ago. It’s still a large construction site. I got to work close to being on time. I  went back outside and updated yesterday‘s blog post. I did not want 

 o get behind on my blog . today I have no clients coming in.  It was a good morning to do that. During conversation I overheard  at work, I heard praise for this furniture called “the love sac.“ Their hubbies wanted it but it very 

 xpensive from what I hear. That’s how got the title of today’s posting. I never know what I’m going
to overhear when I’m at work. It makes great material! I went downtown 

 ecause I went to see my old therapist to get a new therapist. They locked 

 enter City down because Mike Pence, the Vice President  coming. Yes they got police everywhere. 

  have to walk all the way around two blocks to write and locus then had to beg them to let me

 into 15th St.  I went to see —-. It went pretty well. When I was talking him about 

 something he said.  “you're no better or no worse than anyone else” and had me repeat it 

 o that was a good tip for the day. I got me 4  business cards the four different therapist. Finding 
someone might be tough as I told him that my hours that I want to be seen are between 3pm to closing Monday Wednesday and Friday and a lot of them don't have evening hours so anyway 

  went back home and got my umbrella and heading back to work finally. It’s now 2:21 PM I just got to 56th St. station. I was reading in the news that Trump is now playing Mr. tough guy with Iran again. It’s a good strategy for him because it’ll take peoples minds off the rush 

 nvestigation and that horrible news conference press conference last week with 

 utin. Well pension scheduled to be at the Marriott and the union lake today. There  were protesters dressing up 

in Handmaidens Tale  characters today at 5 o’clock. Well I left work 

 and so far the rain has held off thankfully. I’m just going through the early 

 ight out and I know I was invited to your movie called Ant-man in theWasp. It was a pretty entertaining movie. I had taken the train up to wood boring station and John picked me up. It wasn’t very crowded in Seaford very very comfortable you could pop up the leg press on the chair. After the movie, Jon drove me home because all the trains were shut down 1130. As he drove he gave me a critique of myself. He’s known you do that. Anyway I came home ate some snacks like a banana and some yogurt and 

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