Thursday, July 12, 2018

Wednesday, July 11: Muddle in the Middle w/Lower Humidity

Happy hump day! I decided to set my alarm for 6:35 instead of 6:45 AM  and it seem to make 

a difference. I work in as late as I usually am. I was able to chat on some breakfast

 and feel bloated at the same time. I then went to sunrise and this speaker is very good and emotional. He does have good program considering what he’s been through

. He is self-confident unlike me. There I go again comparing myself to others but it can’t be helped once in a while
.I'm having one of those days where I have this feeling and it probably will go  way of course but I didn't feel very comfortable after the meeting today. I think I was just feeling like model than that it's not bad but I wasn't great very light in the machine middle. I'm 

 eally glad I have a job so I don't have to dwell on those mindless thought but that's how I'm feeling. This is as of 9:07 AM. Stay tuned it they will change I’m sure. 

 o it was pretty good right put through and finish up all the alerts that were  due as of now. And then I started scheduling people from the 50 person list. Chilling with a long month

 in July is going to be a much shorter month for getting the 

 tuff done. I’m kind of glad I don’t have a lot of vacation time taking in July. Well I just heard

 as of 5 PM that Croatia beat England in the World Cup semi final. They will be meeting France

 in the world cup final in other  international news and in Europe Trump trashed NATO and then 

 ants them to contribute more money to the alliance. That’s not really how to 
 in friends and influence people by being a jack ass!  I left work about 5:00 PM and cut the E

L and then the 33 bus up towards 20th from Paramount. I wasn’t going to the 

 eeting at 6:30 I was meeting a new friend at the OCF coffee house. I 

 ot there with 15 minutes to spare which was good. I want to relax get 

 ome water and coffee. She came by and was very easy-going and I shared my 

 icture and she shared her travel to the US etc. We split a brownie and then 

  walked her back to her place near 16th and Fairmount. I took 

the Broad Street line home and prepare myself dinner ate it fell asleep got up and 

 ent back to bed still modeling around nothing new nothing to eat

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