Thursday, April 28, 2016

Wednesday, April 27: Cooling Off Out of the Comfort Zone

Well I woke up pretty much on time had trouble getting out of the house as usual. I miss the 709 bus of
course the next bus was 15 minutes late. I was really late to the meeting and missed a pretty
Bus Stop of the American Dream
good speaker who loves the Grateful Dead. Soon as the meeting ended I pretty much split
to Saxbys. I did get a cool T-shirt about Elliot lake Canada now I'm really eager to go to Canada.
Probably after I end up killing off a relationship. Speaking of relationships,  I wrote a blog post about it.
View from Saxbys

Well I stayed in Saxby's  for a while to duty and took the 21 bus to work. My goal is always to get to
work before 9:15 AM. After 915, they're more likely to write you up for 
being late. Well I got to work. I mean we found out that all the pending sanction but the ones that are due next month
Used Alot EARLY
Walking on 58th Street
May 2016. Fortunately due to my grinding out March my sanction list page is only one page
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thank God! I took a break from work and went with my coworker to the fresh grocer. I got greens
Going to Fresh Grocier
bananas yogurt and ice tea for $11. I overdrafted my checking account by quite a tiny saw him.
I got to figure that one out. I'm hoping to get to the gym before my 730 appointment. Well,
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what I went through my sanction list I have three people left a sanction to be caught up. Not enough.
Clinton Wins BIG
Not necessarily caught up but I'll be able to fill out fill up the listing say that everything's been acted on.
Center City
Verify the real answer I almost have the 25 alert acted on. But I can do that then I'm situated nicely for
my trip to Canada. I got that great T-shirt and now I'm motivated I think I'm just going to rent a car and
Not in Comfort Zone
get the fuck out. Well after work I got quite a bit done. I first got my headphones I went
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to the bank and resolved a large over trash balance and then went to the gym. Overall it went pretty
Verizon Strike
well but I felt kind of lost amongst all the weights that ring in the room. I managed to
A Bit Late
find most of the weights I was looking for. After that I got to my 730 meeting about five minutes late.

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