Friday, April 01, 2016

Friday, April 1: Windy Drive to Niagara Falls and Freedom Run Winery

Well I got up early with Ken and Carey this morning. I have slept pretty hard last night. I did get a lower backache but that seems to of gone away since I
View from Kitchen
woke up. It's a windy 46 degrees outside. Kerry went off to the gym and I took
Blogging in the AM
a shower and made myself some coffee. I also finished off yesterday's blog. Plan is to go see the place where Kerry is going to get married and a couple other places. Will be in the Allentown area well Karry meet her new person that she's going to house sit with a new older person. Here is an article from the New Yorker Magazine. Other countries find the USA to be a
joke. Well Carey and I talked for little bit and I looked at the weather forecast for Toronto

Ontario and well have below freezing
Kerry's Driveway 11am
temperatures and 5 to 10 cm of snow. Thank God centimeters are smaller than inches but it's not the ideal weather for April. Now 1130 were off to different places today. Enjoy!
Driving On
12:47 PM right now in the Elmwood section of Buffalo. We had a hard time getting to the place for Kerry
to go but we found it. I'm now at the Starbucks here just had an egg cheese and sausage muffin and
Elmwood Ave Buffalo
I'm killing time until Kerry is finished with her interview. It's now 1:12 PM she's got an interview and will be picking me up shortly. It's still
cloudy outside but it's not raining. I just heard from Molly as well.
Kerry and I
I just paid some whopping amount for credit cards but I've been using to get me by before
payday today. Well after we left Starbucks, eat next-door Elmwood taco and steakhouse.
Buff State
It was a nice place and I have a burrito and she had a taco salad. Next we headed on down to
Niagara Falls to see
the wedding chapel. Well, the wedding chapel was in the
On the Road
seventh floor of a building and she wasn't all that enthusiastic. So we had it on down to th The
Thick Clouds
freedom run winery which was about half hour away. Doesn't look much from the outside but inside
The Entry
of the building is really pretty cool and Carrie sampled some of the winds and even a slushy wine.
Freedom Run Winery
I browse through book of New York State wineries. The clouds held off since it wasn't raining out at all. Well after we came back home we just relaxed and  I was glad about that. I was pretty tired. I didn't go outside and took some photographs of the sunset. It was a fiery orange. I think I came out a little late I couldn't quite get the effect I wanted. So went another relaxing day on my vacation out to western New York. Tomorrow we plan a trip to East Aurora to check out another place. Check my friends to another day
Geneese Street
Kerry's  Nan Pizza

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on Mark's vacationland in Buffalo New York and Toronto

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