Saturday, April 16, 2016

Saturday, April 16: Art Supply Store, Flaming Grill and Collingswood

Leaving for the Day
Hey there. It is spring I mean spring happened in March but now it really does feel like spring weather
Simulation of Asteroid Hitting Earth. SCARY
out there today. It's the first day I did not wear my winter coat. It's still chilly in the morning but the
temperatures were rebound very nicely. I got up around 8:15 AM and told Larry I would be there around
24th Street
930. I caught the seven bus is rolling up Fairmount Avenue. The detours are very confusing these days.
Fashion Street
One moment the buses I have to be caught on piping Avenue and the next and catch them at
the corner where the Sunoco is located. I got the seven bus got off at 21st and walk down to
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19th St. where I quickly called a trolley to 15th and then look for Mac market Frankford line to 15th and got off at 2nd Street.
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I met Larry at his house. I assisted him with framing up a souvenir he got from his trip and the Panama
At Old City Coffee
Canal. He took that trip last month. Wearing I went to the old city coffee. Marissa came later
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and we all hung out at some coffee and caught up. We then went to Christ church. Larry left
At Art Supply Store
early and I went to a art supply shop with Marissa. It's a cool little funky place on 3rd &  Market.  Next
The Flaming Grill
I went to Larry's house.  We all went to brunch at six in Oregon to a place but change its name to
At the Flaming Grill
something barbecue. It's basically the same place with a different name plate and a few
renovations to the interior. The food was very good. It was really good since I was extremely hungry
A Portable Scale
by the time I ate.

I came back to Larry's and they want to do errands and I took a nap and charge my phone.
Well I got a call and my trip to Collingwood
Some Funky Stuff
was postponed it out. So I watch lawn order watch the news and mellowed out. I love the fact that it's
Here Comes Summer

still sunny outside at 6:30 PM. I've noticed now there are tons of clinical commercials on the air.. Let's see
Old City 6:45PM
Hillary Clinton, Joe Sestak, & Pat Tomey. We also had 3 commericals. Well it's supposed to be really nice tomorrow but first we have a very chilly evening
At 2nd Street EL Station
starting around 11 PM till 8 AM tomorrow. We're
2nd Street
gonna have nine straight days of no rain up till next weekend. It's going to feel more like June then
Fun Couple
April this week.. That's pretty cool after having snow  2 weeks ago. It's 645 got a head out. Well I got
Waiting After Breakdown
the EL in good time. The PATCO high-speed line well, that's a whole different story. The 7:12 PM train was broken down as we sat in it.
Sunset Over Philly
We then had to wait 20 more minutes for the following train to
Sunset Over Camden
come back on the other side. On the passengers and his girlfriend told me how PATCO it's going
Sunset at Collingswood Station
downhill in the last four years. They had track work done it started in 2012 it just ended last December.
At Boardman Fire Exinguisher
Gee whiz I'm glad I missed that. So I eventually got the Collingswood I met my friend. We took a nice walk up and down the main drag of Collingswood. It was fun. There were some very unusual stores.
Note the Menorah and Dradel
One store was a museum a sports memorabilia. The guys were really
Funky Store
militaristic and hostile.
Checking One of the Places
You had to pay a $10 fee just to walk around to get a tour. We quickly left that place. Next there was

a  store that's old fire extinguishers and other fire prevention items. The display had a bunch of fire
Taking Photo
trucks and other fire prevention stuff along with a dreidel and a menorah. We found that really amusing.
My Dinner
We then finally went to eat after the crowds up somewhat subsided in this nice Mexican place.
Heading Home
After dinner we walked back towards the train station and set our goodbyes. Was overall a very pleasant
Patco Station
evening. I think will teach other again. Good night everyone

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