Friday, December 18, 2015

Thursday, December 17: Rain and Cooler

Well I got up at 8:15 threw on some clothes and headed on to Ryebread coffee. There's a bit of a line because some woman ordered scones two
Ry Bread   
days ago. She had to wait while woman who got
Morning Bus
scones or whatever came first. I lucked out just as I came to the bus stop the 48 did show up. And then
I caught the trolley and out fairly quickly so I will be at work at 9:16 AM. Looks like it's going to rain today

then it's going to get cooler. Well, it's 12:34 PM I decided that I would take lunch. There is a
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shutdown the computer from about 1230 to 130. It is pouring outside. I barrowed  a friend's umbrella. 
Rain on Sansom
 I went to right aid and brought an umbrella and now I'm buying an ice tea here at the fresh
grocer and using their Wi-Fi.
Whelps back to work. Well it's 5:23 PM and went back to the
It That Time of Year
fresh grocer to try absorb some Wi-Fi. Work
went pretty well. I didn't get a lot done only because the
The Siri Collection
whole scanning thing is kind of put everything in flux. Also not many of my clients bothered
to come in on this rainy day. The rain has ended completely though which is good. Yet Larry's already with
City Hall on a Damp Night
Natalie at the Starbucks so I'll be late as usual. I'm listening to the Stone roses and waiting for the next train to come which is  really soon Well group is pretty good and  afterwords iPhone Marion
to the
5 Below
hearties. And I went off to five below to get headphone since the ones I'm using or getting funky

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