Monday, December 07, 2015

Monday, December 7: Pearl Harbor day. A mild day

Well, boys and girls today was a pretty average day. I slept in because I didn't want to be exhausted to start the week. I got to work about 10 to15 minutes
late. I had to do for gobbled up two thirds of
The 48 Comes
the morning. I ordered Chinese food now I'm going to be home pretty late.
The day at work wasn't too bad. It easily could have been worse. I got my report send I realized I
At 20th Street
don't 125 rejections terminations I officially put 12to
 be sanctioned. So it's a little less than 10% of the folks. Hopefully they won't look into it too much.
Staff Meeting
It's pretty mild out here I'm gonna go to Monday night beginner since I haven't been to a since Saturday Tonight's meets at 6:56 45 so me do my usual go to coffee Joe do some blogging etc.
56th Street Station

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In the big world OUTSIDE my bubble. The drama is building towards Christmas to
Coffee Please :)
negotiate the state budget for fiscal year 2016. That actually started July 1. Republican subject to
increase spending on education and the tax increases. Well Donald Trump is really rotating the extreme rhetoric that his followers love.
He wants Muslims to be denied entry to the US. I i'm always
of how simplistic draconian government measures are favored by people who are scared of Muslims terrorists
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At Coffee Joe's
or anyone else. These are the same people that don't just trust the government to do

to protect them.
Well Ted Cruz is leading in Iowa in the latest poll. Looks like a three-way breaks between Cruz Rubio and Trump.
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Well the Monday night was about "willingness". It was pretty good and powerful. Drew then
Dinner with Drew
contacted me and I'm eating at the Almands café splitting a large dinner with him. He's talking about
Almez Cafe
running a small business with the business owner of this place. 
It appears there are two different versions of the budget
Drew and Split this
It looks like we'll have to going to some kind of "conference committee".
Photos from the Past
The Bus
House Republicans are stuck on doing what they want to do even though the Senate and the Governor agree on the budget plan. Well, after our dinner I was pretty stuffed and looked up at Google maps and realized I could To seven right away without waiting. I did that and it was a good thing I ate a lot of food. So come home and try to relax.

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