Saturday, October 17, 2015

Thursday, October 16: Hard and Tired

Woke up to a cool crisp fall day today in Philadelphia. I woke up took pictures of the sunrise as it slowly got
Neighbor Building a Deck
brighter outside. I then got to the sunrise practically on time. Fear was topic. I then hung out with Mike and
Center City
then went to pats house to get the script that I needed to get by. I again forgot show up to appointment
24th Street
and now I got a beg to get new appointment date. I took Uber to work

Interesting Book
And the radio is playing out A song that has the werewolves of London tune sung by some country cracker.
42nd & Chestnut
And then the song later breaks I'm into a sweet home Alabama background it's one of those pop hits it should be destroyed Yes I got what I need from my friend and I have another appointment  with Camil
Tuesday the 20th @1:30 PM. I got really lucky!!!  I immediately put
At Work
 it on my phone and at my work calendar. I don't need your Scripps
I got enough to last me through next week from my friend 
Pat. Well I slog through a couple appointments and a lot of busy work at work. By the end of the day, I
couldn't attach my documents and I was tired so instead
Aggressive Women
of staying till 515 or so I just turned off the computer and cut and run
the 48th
two minutes after five. I think I'm going straight home and blowing off group. I do not feel like coming home
after nine I'm really tired.  I would like not to be exhausted on Friday! I'm coming straight home I'm blowing off group I'm walking up Hart Street ~48 decides to
show its face. I'm just pretty damn tired!
My Room

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