Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Tuesday September 9:

24th Near Fairmount
I woke up to a fairly gray sky morning at around 7am. I was up at five after six but I fell back to sleep. I cut
20th Street
the 48 bus just in time and I was only a little late to the 7:15 AM meeting. I got to work and got a text
to help my coworker and we did pretty well. I then got to my work eventually and got rid of at least
13 alerts. It's the most I've gotten done in weeks if not months. I then left work call TL and going to take
20th and Fairmount
the 33 and try to hit this nuts meeting. The bus shows up around 5:44 PM. What a 33 was early
Near the NUTS
but I got it there on time. I got here around five or six ordered some coffee from the coffee shop nearby called OCF. It's a nice area space.
The OCF Coffee House
Went to the next meeting and a very good enjoyed it was
Pat Would like this
something different and it's walking distance from from home that's a big bonus. This will be very
Eastern State Penitentiary
handy when it's cold and you just want to get home

1 comment:

MoonDoggie said...

Glad you like meeting that is close-by. I've been taking walks differentlythan before. Down toward police station. Lol but for real.