Monday, June 09, 2014

Monday, June 9: A Day in a Month of Work

Good morning. Today is Monday and it is a Monday in the month of June. This means that our things to do things to work on and things to think about.  First off course is sunrise. I was to leave the meeting but
forgot until the last minute so my ultra and had to take the meeting. Period I sat through that feeling of screwing up and try to just remain calm.
This is no mean feat for a person who can box himself into funk! After the meeting, I met a friend's  Mother at LaCoulombe  I gave her her son's
check. I'm going to get together with her sometime and just talk. She gave  good advice. That is

to focus on myself first. This is a concept that I lose sight of but learning by example from the help I get. 
As part of Monday and the madness of it all I'm on the board
today at work. It's always busy. Monday's tend to be busy anyway because the pent-up demand for answers and phone calls
The new itinerary reaches follows health appointment at 4:30 PM intergroup sometime around six. I didn't plan anything else because that is plenty. Well, it's 10:46 AM a
light day on the board I went out to the new Family Dollar that used to be the home of the lumbar shop I shopped when I lived
on 49th St. I heard from somebody that I can do business with.
Work was extremely busy much done except seen people & issuing overdue car fares.
Well I left work around four to go to appointment at 4:30 in Old City. There was an interesting experience I think it went pretty well. They went late today in a group meeting was dragged
don't wait 15 and now I'm going to Larry's. I went to Larry's We watched a little Law & Order I  got fed some chili. I'm really tired
mentally and emotionally exhausted today. Was not particularly a bad day when I was in
pretty good day. But it's up your work months. I have to do the work

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