Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Write to the FCC to SAVE NET NEUTRALITY!!!!!!

The FCC is set to end Net Neutrality and help the Cable Companies create a two-tier speed level for the Internet. John Oliver goes on an epic RANT against Comcast and Time Warner. He URGES folks to go to the FCC Website to comment on this proposed crap to end Net Neutrality Here is how one website describes it:
On Sunday night, Last Week Tonight’s John Oliver spent 13 solid minutes railing against the FCC’s new rules that could put an end to net neutrality. At the end of the segment, Oliver urged his viewers to take their complaints directly to the FCC through a new comment system the agency recently set up at
That URL appeared on screen behind Oliver for 40 whole seconds as he rallied the internet’s most notorious commenters to “focus your indiscriminate rage in a useful direction.”

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