Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18: Hot with Sunrise

Pattison Street Near 20th
Good hot date to everyone. I woke up my last morning in south Philadelphia I proceeded to get on my stuff out and I hope I didn't leave anything. My friend should be home
20th and Pattison
by now and the fact that I didn't get a hammer and Seacall is a good sign. Hopefully this hermit crabs are still kicking. I went
Saxbys this Morning
to the sunrise on time & minutes to get breakfast of fruit raisin bread coffee and orange drink.
The 21 This Morning from W. Philly
It was very helpful since I was very hungry. I got to work almost on time and the day was not horribly busy and I didn't have to go out to get food or drink which was nice. I did
Employee Entrence
find out that my yearly dues for ZipCar or two on the 26th the day before I get paid next Friday the 27th. Things going are out a little tight
Finished Work
starting at the end of the weekend. Someone who owes $100 and only pay me 20 when when they get paid hoping for at least 40 or
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50 but oh well still I got myself into it well I'm getting prepared for the for the anniversary thing but first I'm going to update this blog. Well it's 7 o'clock the meeting portion of the celebration has begun or will
begin very soon. There was lots of food eating I got here around six and Dean King about 20 minutes later which is great. So time turn this thing off and listen. 
Listen I did. It was a very well-run meeting nice crowd good decent amount of food. Room Majesty pretty cool despite
the heat outside. Dean came over to the meeting it was very gratifying to see him. I think he enjoyed it a lot. After the meeting we
talked it was going to talk to another woman with 33 years in the program. Dean mice thinking of doing a karaoke tonight I took a capillary since so it's not making 
decent time and was going on quarter of nine. We're not going to use mind Leneva laptop the windows eight that he's going to borrow until he buys

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