Sunday, December 04, 2022

Sunday, December 4: Visiting Mom, Cracked 🦷 & 🖨️

I managed to get up at 9:30 AM and sit down to a quiet breakfast. I was on the phone I was 

asked and then I took a nice warm shower. It’s a pretty mild day for early December
. It is mostly cloudy with some rays of sunshine. I caught the 110 bus 

to Penn State and I was sitting here looking at TikTok videos and then I thought of a product 

called “tomorrow’s Lestoil.“ I just remember seeing it when I was 

a kid and looked up tomorrow’s Lestoil on Google and there was a product called that where they had a woman in a spacesuit advertising in 1968. That was the same product I saw.  The product I was looking at 

was like some generic name and on the top right corner, they had the words “tomorrow’s less toil.“ In that a weird thing to think about. I found out that Dave took mom out to lunch so I took the later bus out to Riddle Village.
 It was just as well because I couldn’t make the earlier one as I thought I might. I 
arrived at the Riddle Village or near it. I just don’t remember being dropped 

off as far as I was away from it, but I took a vantage. I went to the Wawa. I 

didn’t have to have a Wawa rewards card to save a little money on my purchase. It’s pretty chilly 

today chillier than yesterday. It’s now 1:30 PM. Well, I spent some time watching eagles Titans game with mom. Eagles

 are leading 21-10 at half time but it was really sloppy. I decided that instead of taking the bus I would take to take over and live in 

lap of luxury for a change. I figured that would be a nice break for me. It’s a sunny, but chilly day out here. Next thing I’m going to do is help with Lynne’s printer to get that set up because the last one was faulty. 

Hopefully I’ll be able to set this one up and I have any major glitches they 

make me want to call Tech support & Screem! It’s 3:20 PM and the 

next part of my day has begun. I’m taking off from yoga today to get myself a yoga 

break today. It’s pretty sunny outside but it is cold. Well she got a 

Canon computer and we have to start from scratch. Will do that after we walk and stuff. We did go for a walk and talk for a while and then I started getting the

 computer together. Next spring in the CD. Then I got two pizzas over. It’s not Peter. They’re both veggie pizzas 🍕! After the eating will

 come getting the printer hooked up to the Wi-Fi. They seem to of made 

it a little bit complicated. well, I spent two hours trying to get the printer 

to work and it wouldn’t hook up. We finally called the company that helps Staples
customers with their tech-support. That was about
 another half hour. They basically took over the computer and attempted to fix it, but they found out that the one driver from HP‘s website was corrupt so she can only print

 by plugging in the USB, so each PS to be called to resolve the issue. Another pain in the ass printer thing. And then came home and had trouble settling down sleeping so I watched football highlights to get me tired. 

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