Saturday, November 27, 2021

Saturday, November 27: Chilly 🥶

Today I decided to sleep in since I was just really dog tired. I didn’t 

set the alarm got up at 9 o’clock, and fed the cat. I then went back to sleep till noon. I got up made ate the hot oatmeal that land given me and drink my smoothie. It was still

 chunky so I chopped it up again and it tastes a lot better less chunky. 

I then had to deal with the bathroom and talked on the phone for a bit. I fed Danny and got a late start 

to go to Mike’s. It is now 3 PM. I called DL and heading into Center City

. From now 40th St. and will be getting it off and 15th St. It is now 3:12 PM i’m walking through Center city

 and I noticed that the famous outdoor eating areas are going to be legislate 

it in certain neighborhoods but not others but they really need them considering

 it’s cold and we have a new variant sneaking around. It’s cold enough the mask 
 is comfortable staying on. I just got a 

couple snacks at the CVS on the way to Mikes. The suns not out for much longer I think the sunsets around 4:40 PM. Well I got to Mike’s and we talked for
a while. He’ll like to say and wanted to share some stuff about his 

family etc. It was good to talk to them. After we talked to Vet I shared some 

YouTube videos and we talked some more. We didn’t go outside this 

time. I was perfectly fine staying nice and warm in his apartment. I saw 

that he had a list of things he had to do which looked very important. I didn’t left around 7 PM and walked

 through Center city towards the capital. I waited about 10 minutes and caught the train.

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