much slow down. I’m really glad because I discovered much to my dismay that
I don’t have my umbrella in my backpack. I must’ve left it on the floor of a bus or trolley at some point. I’m
unning late to work and I have to run underneath the EL tracks to keep from
getting soaked. This could be the future of the USA especially Trump wins the election. Take a look at their leader. Looks like
Robert Mueller is zeroing in on Roger Stone in the Russian probe. Anyhow I got to work late but my supervisor is out till Thursday so I just
plowed ahead and did the best I could considering I was pretty damn tired. I first took care of the overpayments and some
miscellaneous junk that I am. I discovered over the sanction packet
hat I ignored it and went ahead and sent the notice. Anyhow, I went ahead and worked
owered through and did OK on it. I then came home and took a
ice power nap. Pat came over and I helped him pay for gas and I texted with Jenn a little bit
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