Saturday, August 18, 2018

Friday, August 17: Working Frantic then Easing and going to Bridgeton

Well I got up a little bit later so I thought I would need the extra shut eye for when I’m working

 with but off work. I got to work arm  little bit late but my supervisor wasn’t until later on. I had scheduled  people since it was the last day is going to be at work for a week. I think got a 

 oute surprise and got 23 new  alert in one day. Yes this is happened before but it hasn’t happened in a while. It really got me frantically try to finish as many 

 s I could. I finished about a third of it. I then just deleted the whole collection so that be room for the ones that will come up next week. 

hate mass terminations.🤨. Anyhow I tentatively volunteered  or moving with Patrick and Jon. I’ll have a friend coming 

 ver to clean my place. She came over at 5:30 and it really makes a difference 

after she cleans the place. She gave a nice massage on my 

 ciatica nerve on my leg and ythat really helped but it was painful. I’ve been there

 it’s been a better friend New Jersey but I didn’t 

 ave time. I’ve 
 een just got really mellow. I then realized I did not pick  p my laundry. At Kim over around 9:45 PM to pick me up. He said he didn’t have time to pick up my lunch because we were running 

 ate  Crowe’s place. Well we got there and we of course unload stuff quickly but then we have the hoist stuff and then we took a long break and then Patruzzi extremely slow I had to take naps during the ride and I got home at 4 AM. Good night

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