Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thursday, August 23: A Trip to Leunig’s , Uncommon Grounds Coffee, and Dinner w/ Card Game

Well this morning I woke up feeling pretty refreshed and I had 

 reakfast of cereal and skip the pancake. We then mellowed out and I took a nice 

 hower and change my brand new socks etc. We then met up with folks at this fancy French restaurant called Leunig’s. The prices 

 ere a little out of sight for me. I’m glad we’re splitting the menu. The

 lower end entrées are about 12 to 13 but the average is about $17. It’s a beautiful day 

 ut perfect fall weather. It’s kind of weather you can wear anything & becomfortable. Really love humidity and the suns out. I think when they go back home I think I’m gonna stay downtown and chill as the kids would say. I just had to get just the soup. It was nbsp;ome kind of beans soup with cheese on the top and some vegetables. But the heese is really irritating because it stuck to my spoon. It was good however. Well afte eating at the overpriced French restaurant, we all walk towards Ben & Jerry’s. The line is really long and it up for ice cream at this moment. I went to the uncommon
 grounds coffee shop. The cashier was very friendly but the one in front

 of me was not. Rest of them hung out and Ben & Jerry’s and I’m trying to catch up on my 

 logging when I did do a Facebook post. I did 
 get corrected many time during dinner. We then came home mellowed t out. We then had wonderful dinner of pasta in a delicious sauce. I  ate like a crazy man it was so 

 elicious. Next we played a card game that Mandy had bought on Amazon this week. I think the name is called Apples to Apples. It was pretty fun. We will put all that 

 complex which was  nice. It’s good for a large group of people too. After we play 

 own we pretty much off retreat in your bedroom to chill and then

 go to sleep. I tied with two other people for first place. It was a relaxing day on a very relaxing vacation here in Sunny Burlington Vermont. It’s a good time 

 o go to Burlington at the end of August to work well

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