reakfast of cereal and skip the pancake. We then mellowed out and I took a nice
hower and change my brand new socks etc. We then met up with folks at this
ere a little out of sight for me. I’m glad we’re splitting the menu. The
lower end entrées are about 12 to 13 but the average is about $17. It’s a beautiful day
ut perfect fall weather. It’s kind of weather you can wear anything & be
grounds coffee shop. The cashier was very friendly but the one in front
of me was not. Rest of them hung out and Ben & Jerry’s and I’m trying to catch up on my
logging when I did do a Facebook post. I did
get corrected many time during dinner. We then came home mellowed t out. We then had wonderful dinner of pasta in a delicious sauce. I
elicious. Next we played a card game that Mandy had bought on Amazon this week. I
complex which was nice. It’s good for a large group of people too. After we play
own we pretty much off retreat in your bedroom to chill and then
go to sleep. I tied with two other people for first place. It was a relaxing day
o go to Burlington at the end of August to work well
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