Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday, November 11: Veterans Day

 Hey Hey America good day to you and everyone around you 

Well after staying up late I got up around 9:30 AM and ate breakfast and entertain the animals for a bit. I then took a nice long shower and that felt good. I was in South Philly because I'm pet sitting this weekend. My friend is off to Florida to see her ailing father. She's paying me pretty well and right now it's 12:22 PM PM and I'm taking the Broad Street line North to downtown Philadelphia from there.. I'm going to meet a friend downtown at little Pete's at 1:15


 I have to be back at Pattison and Penrose Avenue before dark   o feed the dogs and pick up some poop in the backyard. I am getting paid after all so I do what I got   o do. Well, my friend Natalie and I had a delicious meal at little Pete's. I had a  Spanish omelette and scrapple along with home fries and she had pancakes.   t was quite the delight that's for sure. We commiserate ated a little bit about the election but tried to restrain   ourselves.  afterwards we decided that we would go to her place and chill out. We decided we wanted to watch a documentary so I suggested    documentary about the Third Reich and we  atched a documentary called "secrets of the third Reich." The first part of the documentary is about Erwin Rommel who was the so-called "desert fox". That was very well done. Well I started getting t ired and ended up falling asleep for a half hour before my friend woke me up and told me I had her appointment in 20 minutes. Earlier in the day    had scheduled myself a massage with a really good professional person who has her own practice in her apartment at the Academy house. The Academy house is right near where my friend lives. I managed to remember that    had an appointment at 5:30 at 1420 Walnut. I almost forgot.   Went to massage & it was very nice and I went to my appointment which was good as well I then hopped out and went on the Bhroad Street line since there was   o simpler way to get to Madiline's house! It's 7 o'clock and I swear the temperature dropped 10°   I'm walking  down   attison Street for 15 minutes. I'm now walking to Madeline's house I was thinking of ordering out a pizza but after I talk to Madeline and discovered that there is  pasta to   e I took care of that instead. I saved a trip to the store. I fed the animals learn how to turn off the TV with the remote and then watch some shows. I watched a little bit of Rachel Maddow which was tough to look at. I then also watched Forrest Gump was was a tearjerker. I really like that movie. Then I watched war World War II in color which is pretty neat 

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