Saturday, November 05, 2016

Saturday, November 5: 2nd day in Gettysburg

 Good morning  how are you? I got up at the hotel room with Mike & we decided that since Cooper didn't respond we decided to walk to the hotel we're gonna be conferencing till 1 o'clock or so taking  votes and listening to speeches etc. Today is the the guts of the whole conference. Me and   y friend Mike walked from our hotel to the regular hotel. We took a shortcut so   e got here with plenty of time to get coffee and relax a little bit. It starts at 8:45 sharp and after that I'm not gonna be able to  do any reporting. It was a cool Dewey morning in Gettysburg Pennsylvania. There is no wind  so it wasn't cold. 
We got there with 20 minutes to spare due to the fact we took a shortcut. After that I got some 

coffee and wve started voting. First we had to determine who was there and how many people can vote. We just voted for the delicate. Now there's a third vote for the assistant delegate


it's now 2:18 PM we are on the second pallet of another position. People are  rummaging around a lot more than they were before because we've been in here since 8:45 AM. Meanwhile  outside th e Gettysburg bubble word is out there still negotiating on the SEPTA strike but no breakthrough s as of yet. SEPTA tried yesterday to get an injunction to stop the strike but that fell flat by a judge. Well   veryone who was an incumbent got in but good news was it our person got in at the last photo of the evening at 4:00 PM. After that I went to two workshops   then Mike and I went back to the motel. I decided to walk to the dominoes and save some cash and got a large pizza   with three toppings for $8.50 including tax. After that I watch the history channel    about Rockefeller Carnegie Vanderbilt. The show even had Donald Trump   n there as a commentator. They called him a real estate mogul. Oh my God. At 11 o'clock I just crashed in my comfortable bed. I was definitely in trump country!

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