Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday, May 27: Work then Memorial Day Weekend

I woke up to a nice mild morning. I was very glad I took a shower last night going to be a hot one again today. I thought I  better take a taxi to go I just
View From Cab
missed the 48 bus as it rambling by 23rd St. I went to pack for you grabbed a couple coffee. This coffee taste a
19th Near Walnut
lot better than yesterday's 4 sure. For friend of mine came back to a meeting for the first time
Rush Hour From Saxby's
I've been going. It was pretty cool. Today I hope to do some catch-up from all the alerts that I have.
Message from a Friend
Well 3:35 AM time to either pick the 21 from 20th and Walnut or walk down the 19th and market. Stay cool. Well, I did one page of the alert or at least finished with one page write started and talk to people so hard today. It is really warm
20th & Walnut to Work
out here as of 3:02 PM. My office mate gave me two spicy chicken wings and now I'm getting fruit
Hot All Over
at the fresh grocer. Friend of mine X put themselves on the account without telling the person. That's
Getting Off the 21 in W. Philly
pretty creepy. I got a little less than two hours to work and then I may go to pack or go straight home.
I Enter the Building
First thing I want to do is switch into some shorts. I should get a pair shorts and keep them at
Mark is Leaving the Building
work to change into. It is supposed to be hot the whole weekend. Found out that I'm going to the Devon horse show Sunday night. I have not gone there since I was a kid!!

A Still from Video
Should be something different that's for sure.
Fresh Grocer
OK going to wind up the rest of the day. Well for the last two hours of work, I went through 
5:08 Pm Leaving Work
my list  about one third of the way. Half of folks got did get a hold of & The others I did not. I wasn't
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sure whether going to go downtown but I started feeling tired so I decided I'd go home. I did stop
48 Home Before Dark!
at the TD bank to get a money order to pay the rent for the month of June. I know somebody who has a
View from OCF
husband named June. Well on the outside world be on the smart phone, Donald Trump
Still Life Decaf
backed out of his proposal to debate  Bernie Sanders. I'm guessing it was a publicity stunt. Trump is real good at those. Got a big story for the East Coast. It looks like Verizon and the Unions Reached Accord to End Strike. Its was a bitter strike that's for sure. 
A friend of mine who I write to on Facebook messenger. Is riding 
South Dakota
from Minnesota to Montana. She is currently riding on a bus for another 8 hours. That's a long ass trip!. She did share a couple photos
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of the South Dakota landscape. She described it as flat and green. After I left the OCF coffeehouse, I came home and just lie down on my bed. It was
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hot I was sweating but it didn't matter
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I was tired. Sharon put on a fan for me and I was out for the night at 7 o'clock. I was just plain worn out. Lotta driving lots of working.

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